GRAND CAFE GALLERON Bucharest Address:
   Nicolae Golescu,18 A, Bucuresti

0724 354 326
0726 788 805




In the heart of the capital, just behind the Romanian Athenaeum Galleron Grand Cafe is the place where you can relax, you can meet with friends or with business partners, you can organize corporate events or you can celebrate special moments.
Here you will always find a friendly atmosphere and quality services, from early morning until late at night.
Breakfast is served starting at 9. French omelet or fresh butter croissant, served with a delicious coffee with milk, alongside your favorite newspaper, will bring you a quiet start day in an agitated Bucharest.
If you find Galleron around noon, we are waiting you with hot dishes, cooked with skill and refinement by our chefs.
For the afternoon we look forward to a wide variety of teas and delicious cakes, and in the evening, the bar team offers the best selection of drinks from town (robust wines, challenging cocktails or bold spirits), and the kitchen spoils you with fresh dishes, refined, top quality.




1 Brutus 5 June, 2020 la ora 23:44

Cel mai loc fain ever. Nu recomand ! Ca sa am eu si prietenii mei loc :) Mergeti in alta parte, aici e ocupat (glumesc) :) vis! Servire.. de 7 zeci de stele ! Plaja.. ceva de super bun simt. Ca sa nu zic, ca aceeiasi servire extraordinar de prompta si fara cusur. Pur si simplu tre sa fii hater din tata in fiu ca sa ai ceva de comentat negativ fata de locul asta. Felicitari ! Si sper sa ne vedem cu bine anul asta cat mai curand.

2 Diana 5 February, 2017 la ora 16:34

Buna ziua! Aveti cumva textul de la piesa pdf? As vrea sa il scot si eu la imprimanta, dar nu il gasesc pe internet.

3 Andra Maravela 31 May, 2015 la ora 18:44

Atmosfera de exceptie, mancare de calitate fina si gust pe masura, loc intim pentru o relaxare in adevaratul sens al cuvantului! :) Recomand cu incredere mai ales prajitura White Duchess!

4 stef 1 February, 2014 la ora 14:23

excelenta mancare ,foarte gustosa si curata cireasa de pe tort vorbeste de la sine.

5 Gilda 6 August, 2013 la ora 20:27

Este locul unde revin mereu cu drag, atmosfera cozy, ma simt ca acasa si ma bucur de cele mai bune praline si cea mai cea inghetata. ;-)

6 andreea 27 July, 2013 la ora 20:50

super frumos am fost de atatea ori chiar merit sa va duce ti pt cateva ore de relaxare.

7 MIHAI 26 March, 2013 la ora 13:07

E foarte frumos , mancare foarte buna , un restaurant cu adevarat coreean , atmosfera minunata bafta !!!

8 nedelvu amalia 4 March, 2013 la ora 22:10

super bine arata....fine....toata adiratia...ceva rafinat

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